Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 1.2

Two works! Using newly learnt (and VERY useful) material :D Classes and Arrays!!


Use shift on the "FireFlies" sketch to refresh the it.

Arrays are simply lists of 'objects' you want to call in a certain order. Like a shopping list. Or a register. Classes allows you to create copies of an object and allows you to change its properties. The same goes for Arrays. I will explain everything in more detail next time, when I understand it more :P


Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 1.1

Just some fun Im having with bouncing sketches!! :D The object reaches the edge of the screen and then bounces back. The idea is that if the object reaches the edge of the canvas it times the speed with a negative value to make it travel backwards and vice versa...
If you havent guessed yet, I kinda like Mario themed sketches :P

Bouncing Star

Bouncing Mushroom


Monday, 8 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 1.0

Reached the 10 sketch mark!! And this one has two apps to play with! :D

Mario Snake

Non-Opaque Snake

I modified Non-Opaque Snake into Mario Snake. The principle is simple really. as each object nears the mouse its speed is reduced half each time!! By working out the value of the mouseX it can calculate the distance between that and the object and half that distance making it slower the closer the object gets! Cool eh? :D

I like these quite alot.


Sunday, 7 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 0.9

This sketch uses transparents PNGS and variables with conditionals!!

Piping Illusion

The sprites used I found on the Spriters Resource and were ripped by Viiper.
I simply enlarged them and made them transparent. I will be experimenting with images some more later on, meanwhile enjoy the shrroomness!!! :D

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 0.8

This one is a variable and keyPressed sketch! :D

Use the "r", "g" and "b" keys to change the color of the "?'s". They will continue to generate randomly until the "BACKSPACE" key is pressed, this will clear the canvas:

Enjoy the WEIRDNESS!!!


Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 0.7

So we learned how to use keys to manipulate variables in processing :D

Use the Arrow Keys to paint ^ v < > and the SHIFT key to clear the canvas, be warned that the position of the shapes will remain in the place you last left them. Here it is:

Enjoy :D


Monday, 1 February 2010

Work/Processing Sketch 0.6

Using variables and mouse X and Y :) I used code from here to help me: Source

Type Following

Its my name but you can put any kind of text in there, play around with it yourself :D
